Any experienced RPG fan knows that when you really analyze these types of open ended, concept driven games; it almost always works best to present a problem and then have the team work to solve it instead of trying to force some pre-built script! Listed below are some of the more common issues that survivors might face in this particular flavor of apocalypse. The Aftermath: 2012 is all about the stories of unwilling or unexpected heroes, villains, and game changers (hence the lack of control over much of the demographic information related to them). These are just a few ideas to help you get the ball rolling, see where the team takes you! And never forget, it's always ideas that keep the world turning, which is why they are the primary generators for experience!
In the very small hours of the morning, the local police department forces their way into the building, block the doors, and begin banging loudly on their riot shields (legit or recently made but of high quality) and exclaiming over the bullhorn that you are all hereby trespassing on city property and must vacate the premises. This is your official Eviction Notice! You have five minutes to comply! Pack your stuff and GTFO. A quick glance outside shows they are definitely there in force and have a single prison van at each entrance. Inform them that there are several entrances to the building, and they fortunately live more towards the center, so if they start to storm the place they will probably have a little more time than those right near the doors. Give them five minutes (literally time it) to decide what they want to do. Once it's up, inform them that they can hear the typically loudest, drunkest of the squats Karens is arguing with one of the cops. All the typical "Rah fucking pigs cant do this" type of thing. Then they hear them bust her ass, followed by them beggining the beat down of her lover and their teenage kid(s). Then someone jumps in to help them, then another fight breaks out near another entrance. Cops yell something along the lines of "Alright round all of these motherfuckers up! If you don't want to be a statistic get your ass on the ground with your hands behind your head! We're coming in and we will open fire!"
Hurricane "Anonymous" Inbound! High winds, broken windows, power outages, and tons upon tons of water. After day one, the winds calmed down but the rain never stopped. On day two its still raining and everything is flooded, and theres no end in sight...
On the third day of the journey, the hunters will attempt to track deer during the early afternoon. Players will be encouraged to either assist, or set up camp and prepare a location to butcher the kill and prep the meat for travel (salting, smoking, parceling, etc) The hunters will be successful in taking down one animal on their own, with any assistance from the players opening the possibility of additional game as well. Everyone feasts and the hunters open a bottle of wine or two to celebrate a successful hunt. Everyone falls asleep with high spirits and full bellies. However, in the middle of the night after the fire simmered down, the players awaken to screaming as one of the hunters is being mauled by wild dogs. The other hunter will initiate combat, but essentially the dog to human ratio should be 2 : 1 (remember this total). No matter if the group successfully defends the camp, or is forced to flee as the dogs are most interested in the deer carcasses, the first hunter dies of his injuries. With the remainder of the group intact (and obviously one or more likely injured as well) the other hunter will insist that they need to travel to a small settlement a few miles away (two hours if no leg wounds) where he knows has a doctor and veterinarian. If nothing else to determine if they are now infected with rabies cause dogs aren't usually that aggressive, but also to get help burying his friend as he doesn't even have a shovel. Depending on the severity of the players injuries, or those inflicted on the other hunter this should be a reasonably easy sell to the party. After everyone recieves treatment, the second hunter will leave with two of the settlers (small group, a three family community) to bury the fallen hunter, recover any lost gear, and with any luck kill the dogs. The party is told to rest up there, and they will be back by dark. They never return...
A few hours into the voyage, a group of bandits eliminate the escorts and run the bus off the road. They snatch up all of the pertinent police or national guard equipment, and then make their way down the bus unlocking everyones shackles. They were clearly there to free several of their rank that had been locked up and put on this particular prisoner transport, and the affiliates exclaim that they had their doubts as to whether or not they could pull it off. The team is now stranded in the middle of nowhere midwest USA, just plains and grass, ruined roads, and has no idea where they are or where any civilization might be. Additionally, they have no idea if or when a prison recovery team may arrive and there is zero food or water on the bus. The bandits tell the remaining prisoners that they have a choice to make: come with them and embrace a life of liberty and true independence but earn your keep, or try your luck in the wild during the summer droughts. Most, if not all the remaining NPC's take the offer and side with the bandits. The bus is totalled, as is one of the escort vehicles, but the other escort still runs and they are currently figuring out seating arrangements...
Loaded up with the almost all of the available merchandise sold, stacks of cash, fat digital crypto accounts, snacks for the road, plus enough gas to get where ever they call home; the crew packs up an heads out as happy as can be. All players should be placed within the bus (or largest boat) as it is the only one with a functional heater. A few hours into the trip, they know they are in the home stretch, and light snow begins to fall. Shortly after it actually begins to stick, the convoy is ambushed!
The entire time this man has been a part of the players' lives, he has always expressed that his greatest fear is that he will never get the opportunity to be a father. Fortunately for him, that was not the case. His wife's is due any day, and shortly after the "last" player arrives her water breaks. He has sent word to each of the players because he knows he needs their help in assisting in their home birth. Mostly because he has no idea what to expect, but also to celebrate the birth of his first born! They have a decent homestead a few miles outside of city limits, and power is creeping towards the house every week. The future looks incredibly bright, but they were unable to find any sort of mid-wife or medical professional to assist. Everything seems to be going according to plan, until some serious complications occur in the middle of the night...
The game should begin about halfway through harvest, the yield is higher than expected so the team is tasked with preparation for long term storage and surplus past their available supply. There is a small town nearby, and sparse housing but the salvage theoretically should remain decent as the group has not had much need to scavenge themselves and as far as they can tell the only other community is of a similar size and miles away in the opposite direction. Picture a rural town center, with the occasional house or small community spread over every quarter mile to a mile away. True "small town america". The Siblings have invited some of their extended family to come help with the harvest, like they had last year, and they seem trustworthy enough as everything worked out then and theres no indication of that having changed. Once they arrive, everyone celebrates a good harvest, and the next day the community meets to discuss their unexpected problem of excess surplus as there is zero electricity what-so-ever.
Provide a week or two of game time to allow the players to integrate with the environment and make the best of the situation and pursue their own objectives. Emphasize that they frequently encounter each other as well as opportunity with the NPC population at the river banks or along the trail as people are physically carrying water back home at least every other day. When the time seems right, and none of the characters are near the river, establish that there is smoke on the horizon...coming from the direction of the river no less!
The sheriff makes no secret that he is absolutely convinced that one, if not all of the players are involved in these horrific killings, he is going to find out who and can not wait to be the one who puts that noose around their neck. Clearly he had personal relationships with each of the victims (who were each killed in horrific ways, go as dark as you's intended to be as chilling as possible but each was definitely up close and personal, with additional post-mortem mutilation) and he is furious that this is happening in his otherwise peaceful and stable little town. Once all the interrogations are complete, have the team be served their meager evening rations and get very sleepy. The meals were heavily drugged!
The majority of this campaign will involve very minor issues while on the river in the beginning, with the team basically just building trust. Most of the campaign should revolve around when they dock. The return journey is where the trouble sets in, as the Captain will inadvertently get the boat stuck trying to manuever back up river due to overestimating the rainfall before departure. Having a ship loaded with goods between Greenville and Memphis, the crew gets placed in a troubling predicament as they are approximately 2 / 3 of the way through the voyage and has to figure out how to proceed. However, the events leading up to this could easily prove to be defining milestones in the final outcome, so they should be established before the catalyst actually occurs
Whenever seems appropriate, make a point to establish that business is beginning to slow down. The National Guard clear out, the criminals wait a day or two after and follow suit. Random groups of rough looking Outlanders check in, but other than that, it seems like business as usual. People just like the players are the only ones left, just coming in wanting a shave and a shower, to sell a little scrap, spend a little money, and then head back out into the real world. The staff are clearly exhibiting some level of leisure as well, drinking at the same bar as the patrons after their shifts, casually walking the floor, the entire atmosphere seems to relax without dropping any level of professionalism. Inform the characters that they are starting to hit their budget limit and should probably consider what they are going to do once they decide to check out. When the time is right, and noone has any real business to engage in within the establishment, have them wander down to the bar in the ridiculously small hours of the morning. That point when everyone is typically passed out drunk, or damn near but there still could be some exchange occurring? Thats the time! Even if they don't particularly want to, tell them that they just cant sleep and want to hear the juke box once more before having to embrace nothing other than bird song. Once everyone is at the bar for whatever reason, let them know theres two bartenders and a couple of NPCs, plus one guy who is falling asleep in the corner booth. Everyones looking rather bleary eyed, but the bartenders are doing their best to finish up their shifts and brewing coffee. Whenever the conversation stalls, inform the party that there is suddenly dozens and dozens of rounds being fired off outside, followed by the immense roar of a large engine, and then an enormous crash that shakes the entire building. The guy that was falling asleep in the booth mutters something under his breath, jumps up from the booth with a pistol in hand, and shoots one of the bartenders in the chest. He then takes aim at the other bartender, misses, and begins advancing. At this point, another of the NPCs that was closer to the register casually hops over the bar to the other side. He reaches underneath the counter and pulls out a shotgun that was hidden under the register and tells the crowd "Relax, motherfuckers! We aren't here for you! Get your hands up, get on the floor, give us a minute, and you'll walk away from this! Capiche?!?". He then blows the other bartender away, they can just barely hear her gurgling death gasps over the ringing in their ears...then more gunfire echoes throughout the building
If you already have an idea of a plotline, but are simply looking for a way to introduce the players to one another then this card is for you! Listed below are a few of the most common ways that people might encounter one another in different environments within the world of The Aftermath. They also address specific commonalities between human beings, which can prove infinitely useful should you simply be searching for a little inspiration. Each scenario has its likelihood of occurance within certain population densities listed in parenthesis, as in some environments the concpet may be more or less likely than others. If you still aren't sure just keep in mind that no matter what, everyone has to trade or work for something eventually. Small Hold-Outs and Suburban trading centers dot the landscape, which effectively makes them the gate between the Hubs and the Wilds. Even if the campaign is set on scavenging and foraging in the deepest of the wilds, it always makes sense to prepare for the journey, and theres bound to be one little single shop somewhere to sell you lost label canned mysteries or lighters and matches!